The Ancient Artist

About The Ancient Artist: John Rieder

For 5 decades I have been painting from classical style to a more modern rendering of popular topics and retrospectives.   With the onset of Artificial Intelligence in the art arena many things have become possible that would have taken multiple artists many years to accomplish, both in the visual arts and in writing.  Most importantly for me it has enabled the matching of history from ancient times to images and stories that well represent the look and feel of ancient times.  The evolution of Gods and Goddesses, and their stories over mankind's existence, is critical to who we are as a people, and how we have constructed our view of reality.  These images connect to us on a deep level.  The stories associated with them connect to us on a deep level. 

By using AI as a resource, I have been able to assemble a coherent perspective on this important aspect of our existence and have made it possible for others to connect to something they can feel as soon as they see it...hear it.  You may connect to images on this sight in a way that is significant to you.  Learning more about the image and its place in mankind's history will connect you to the image even further.  Most of these images are further expanded/explained in my books available on Amazon.  AI has been the ultimate assistant in making all of this possible and enabled me to merge the past with the present...with you.

 Discover Ancient Art

In the heart of every myth, amidst the whispers of ancient lore and the echoes of timeless tales, I have found my calling. As The Ancient Artist, I am both a guardian of history and a herald of its mysteries, translating the silent stories etched in the ruins of bygone eras into vibrant strokes of artistry.

My journey into the depths of ancient civilizations—be it the sprawling cities of Mesopotamia, the majestic realms of Egypt, or the stormy seas of the Norse—has been more than a pursuit of knowledge; it's been a voyage of the soul. With every line drawn and every hue chosen, I strive to capture not just the visual grandeur of these ancient cultures but the spirit and essence that animated their worlds.

Rooted in rigorous research and a profound respect for our ancestors' creativity, my art is a conduit through which the power, wisdom, and beauty of ancient myths flow into the modern world. Through my work, I aim to reconnect my audience with the awe and wonder that these stories inspired in those who first told them under the stars of a younger Earth.

My canvas is broad, encompassing not just the gods and goddesses that ruled the heavens but also the creatures that roamed the earth and the heroes that battled between. Each piece is an invitation: to explore, to connect, to collect—to become part of a story much larger than ourselves.

As The Ancient Artist, I invite you to join me on this journey back in time, to discover the echoes of ancient myths and the shadows of legends that have shaped the very fabric of humanity. Here, in the Gateway of Legends, we stand on the shoulders of giants, seeing the world not as it is, but as it once was imagined.

Welcome to my odyssey. Together, let us keep the legacy of myths alive, letting them enlighten our paths and inspire our hearts.